Challenging bridges and traffic jams in the Himalayan paradise

I have never seen so many bridges within a few hours trip as today. On a trip from Leh to Lama Yuru, around 140 km. Probably, there are places in the world where many more bridges exist in a similar distance. A matter of perception, I assume. For me there were simply many bridges to…

Leh –  ready for the best friendly giants land

Often delusion is not too far away  when you know a place from photos only and then – one day- you arrive at that place acknowledging that somehow it is less interesting, less emotional, less engaging. But I can promise you, this will not happen when you go to Leh, Ladakh.  Arriving in the best…

Meeting the Children’s club at the end of the world

The children of Mokhmalla in the Gharwal live in one of the most isolated parts of the world. Due to bad roads, missing vehicles and money they live in the upper parts of a Himalayan mountain. They live at the end of a valley, there where the high Himalaya mountains start growing into heaven.  It…