Learnings from a training with women living at the poverty line, India

During the Making More Health (MMH) Insights week 12 managers from around the world have participated in a very disruptive leadership program while interacting with vulnerable communities, getting insights from local NGOs and other local stakeholders and visiting several MMH projects. However – for getting a real experience – theory needs to meet practice… One…

Distributing rice, lentils and soap among vulnerable communities during COVID-19

Although the strictest lockdown conditions were eased in Southern India, people in tribal areas are still facing impaired access to food supply. Where limited transportation facilities and shortened opening hours of grocery shops restrict people’s possibilities, it adds onto job loss in the formal and informal sector and a third wave of COVID-19 infections. Access…

Raising awareness in a worsening mental health crisis in India

How an Indian psychiatrist engages to break the stigma COVID-19 has forced people all over the world to stand still, to stay at home, to distance themselves from stabilizing social environments, to lose job opportunities and to let go of dreams. Some have lost their loved ones, others are on the brink of financial ruin,…

Holistic empowerment goes beyond mask distribution

The Karl Kübel foundation (KKS) and Making More Health (MMH), a social entrepreneurial initiative driven by Boehringer Ingelheim have been supporting 20 local leaders from Vimuktha Federation. They women have participated in several health and hygiene awareness training sessions as well as in digital and income generation activities, among them also the production of soap….

Soap making day to protect tribal communities

The COVID-19 virus is a huge risk to all, and even more for ethnic minorities. Tribals comprise a substantial minority population of India, making up 8.6% of India‘s population, or 104.2 million people, according to the 2011 census. One of the most impactful activities to combat infections is soap and hygiene practices. But soap is…