When managers and self- help group members learn from each other

By end of our Making More Health Leadership week our managers run a training with self- help group members to improve their marketing and presentation skills. Because creating wins for everyone is key… also our colleagues learned a lot while preparing and implementing such a training. It’s not enough to teach on how to produce…

Inauguration of a children park at the tribal hospital

“Today there will be a big surprise,” my two Making More Health team members from South India announced and smiled widely. “Which surprise?”, I ask while we continue with our leadership week program going with the participants to the tribal hospital in Kottathara in Kerala, India. As usual we want to learn how this hospital…

Visiting Nasscom, one of the big tech startup hubs in Bangalore

From field visits in tribal villages in Tamil Nadu to one of the biggest and most known Innovation hubs in Bangalore: just a 50 minutes flight away. A short flight that connects ancient times and the future! Today, I had a meeting with Nasscom startup warehouse and I have met some startups who are part…

When women meet women – a nice time with Vimuktha women

I have met them often in the past years – the Vimuktha women. Strong women who have built self- help groups to empower themselves. They have worked hard, saved money together to be able to give some credits to each other. Some of the have opened small business units, small shops, chicken farms, clay work,…

Also this is our world: a Toda village and a sacred stone

Toda tribes live in the highest altitude of the Nilgiris mountains in South India, mainly in the surroundings of Udhagamanalam (Ooty) and Kunda taluks. They are part of the pastoral tribes and worship buffalos. The ‘hamlets’ of Todas comprise only a few houses. Todas normally live in half barrel houses. Nowadays there are only ca….

Making More Health – Soap Competition launched for self-help groups

After two days of paper making and raw soap experiments the next step to share more skills and knowledge with women is done. Empower women to make more health happen. But more health means also that people can finance it and have income. That’s why health and wealth belong together. With these trainings we empower…