Get out of your bubble, experience realities and how to make a difference

When you look at things with a different light, things start to change. You discover new formats, ask different questions and find different answers. Just imagine you are a manager from an international company. You do business trips, maybe across all important markets, you sit in meetings, you manage high level projects. Suddenly, you are…

Social workers need digital access and skills to optimize impact

In the last years, one of our activities and programs in South India also supported the digital access for our local kindergarten teachers ( who work as informal health care workers in the tribal villages, too) and for our local NGO partners. Often it is difficult – especially for smaller NGOs – to finance their…

Eradication of manual scavenging and community development in India

In the past 12 months – under the umbrella of the Making More Health initiative – we have started a new partnership with a local NGO in Avinashi (close to Coimbatore). Together with Vizhuthugal Social Education and development Trust, several programs have taken place to prevent children from manual scavengers families to drop out of…

Raising awareness in a worsening mental health crisis in India

How an Indian psychiatrist engages to break the stigma COVID-19 has forced people all over the world to stand still, to stay at home, to distance themselves from stabilizing social environments, to lose job opportunities and to let go of dreams. Some have lost their loved ones, others are on the brink of financial ruin,…

Holistic empowerment goes beyond mask distribution

The Karl Kübel foundation (KKS) and Making More Health (MMH), a social entrepreneurial initiative driven by Boehringer Ingelheim have been supporting 20 local leaders from Vimuktha Federation. They women have participated in several health and hygiene awareness training sessions as well as in digital and income generation activities, among them also the production of soap….

Soap making day to protect tribal communities

The COVID-19 virus is a huge risk to all, and even more for ethnic minorities. Tribals comprise a substantial minority population of India, making up 8.6% of India‘s population, or 104.2 million people, according to the 2011 census. One of the most impactful activities to combat infections is soap and hygiene practices. But soap is…

News from the ground about life in India and the kantharis today

Let me share with you today some news from the “ground“. My friends Paul and Sabriye, who lead the kanthari center in South India, where they help social and impact entrepreneurs to grow, have sent me the following information and newsletter: “The world as we knew it, surely has changed. In these challenging days we…